Strangers, again - WongFuProductions
Här är en jättefin men ganska sorglig video av WongFuProductions. Jag har kollat på den snart tre gånger! Mycket fin! :)
Jag kom inte på hur jag skulle beskriva den, så jag kopierade bara beskrivningen:
Every relationship goes through stages. Where and how each stage develops is ultimately up to each person. While we always hope for the best, we often can't avoid the inevitable.
Josh and Marissa are at a crossroads and their future is uncertain. Josh guides us through each stage of the relationship as it formed and as he predicts it will end up as.

Jag kom inte på hur jag skulle beskriva den, så jag kopierade bara beskrivningen:
Every relationship goes through stages. Where and how each stage develops is ultimately up to each person. While we always hope for the best, we often can't avoid the inevitable.
Josh and Marissa are at a crossroads and their future is uncertain. Josh guides us through each stage of the relationship as it formed and as he predicts it will end up as.

Postat av: sally
Sv: Haha yes det är den, macbook air så. Det är inte min, utan min kompis (y) :D
Postat av: madde
det är ingen justin bieber blogg hehe men jag gillar han väldigt mycket men skriver inte så mycket om honom i min blogg ;)